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01 Armero Texto

01 Armero Texto

1 Participation Form -- What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? "I really don't know but maybe a weapon designer." -- How would your work contribute to society? "Well, that way they would have a way to defend themselves from attacks, or to the Mexican army in some war."

1 Armero

1 Armero

02 Rodilla Texto

02 Rodilla Texto

2 Participation Form --What do you want to be when you grow up? "Doctor" --Why? "Because I would like to cure the sick and the needy because I had a big experience that made me hate seeing my father in a wheelchair without being able to see well and me taking care of him from that very moment, I know my future is to be a doctor." --How would your work contribute to society? “Thank you doctor I feel a lot better” “Your welcome, that's what I'm a doctor for”

2 Rodilla

2 Rodilla

03 Imaginacion Texto

03 Imaginacion Texto

3 Participation Form --What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? "Carpenter, because since I was young I liked building with legos and since I have the opportunity, I should embrace it." --How would your work contribute to society? "Well on every certain day give away or reduce the price of some furniture and build furniture for my the elderly people in my family."

3 Imaginación

3 Imaginación

04 Inocencia Texto

04 Inocencia Texto

-- How would your work contribute to society? "I want to be a fireman to help people in case of an accident or an emergency."

4 inocencia

4 inocencia

05 Hormonal

05 Hormonal

-- Describe what going to Middle School is like for you "It is like being in a house in the morning and another at night, it feels good to go inside for the first time because you tell yourself “I made it to Middle School now I have to work harder than in Elementary School”

5 Hormonal

5 Hormonal

06 Reflexión

06 Reflexión

6 Reflexión

6 Reflexión

07 Industrial

07 Industrial

7 Industrial

7 Industrial

08 Amor Texto

08 Amor Texto

8 Amor.

8 Amor.

09 Crecer

09 Crecer

9 Crecer

9 Crecer

10 Anita

10 Anita

11 Paulina

11 Paulina

12 Jessica

12 Jessica

13 Brenda

13 Brenda

14 Brenda

14 Brenda

16 Ella

16 Ella

17 doble turno

17 doble turno

18 Hora libre

18 Hora libre

19 Karime

19 Karime

20 Heidi

20 Heidi

21 Lissette

21 Lissette

22 Número

22 Número

23 alimentación

23 alimentación

24 Marifer

24 Marifer

25 ortodoncia

25 ortodoncia

26 Memo

26 Memo

27 Brandon

27 Brandon

28 Abrigada al sol

28 Abrigada al sol

29 Aprendizaje significativo

29 Aprendizaje significativo

30 1ro J

30 1ro J

Identidades en construcción surge en el contexto de una escuela pública en la que conviven chicos de entre 12 y 16 años, cuya etapa en desarrollo supone la construcción de la identidad como individuos a partir de experiencias y conducción de los círculos sociales más cercanos en su formación. El trabajo emerge al reflexionar con respecto de las adversidades que los chicos sopesan en los diferentes ambientes en que se conducen, las cuales devienen precisamente de ésta edad límbica que los exime de pertenecer a la niñez pero tampoco les permite formar parte de la adultez, llamada adolescencia, periodo de desarrollo físico, psicológico y sexual; transición que debe considerarse también como un fenómeno biológico, cultural y social.

Identities under construction emerges in the context of a public school in which kids between the ages of 12 and 16 interact; their development stage supposes the construction of identity as individuals, through the experiences and management of close social circles for their development. The work emerges upon reflection of the adversities these kids have to endure in the different environments they live in; which precisely occur in this limbic age, that excuses them from childhood but neither allows them to be a part of adulthood, called adolescence: period of physical, psychological, and sexual development; transition that should also be considered as a biological, cultural, and social phenomenon.

Alejandra Zamudio Ferrao (Veracruz, Mexico. 1982). She starts her studies at age 17 with Arturo Talavera Negrete, in workshops in basic photography and alternative processes in the Cultural Center Atarazanas of IVEC, period of her life that would have a deep influence in her future endeavors. 

She enters the department of visual arts in the U.V in 2001. She participates in the first Biennials of Pinhole Photography and different collective exhibits within and outside the state of Veracruz. She graduates with a BA in Visual arts, focus in photography in 2005. She teaches workshops in the photography library Juan Mapica Mimendi of the Veracruz port in Veracruz starting in 2006, place where she trains; as well as in the Manuel Alvarez Bravo Photographic Center in Oaxaca and the Veracruz Center of Arts Hugo Argüelles. She has worked as graphic reporter in different local and national media. She receives recognition in the first Biennial Being Woman and the first Biennial Hector Garcia of the Hector and Maria Garcia foundation, her participation stands out in the collective exhibit “Del Barrio de la Huaca” in the Mexic Barcelona house, organized by MEX-CAT, in Barcelona, Spain. She has recently been awarded with the acquisition of the prize of the 2nd Biennial of arts in Veracruz 2014 with the political series Identities under Construction.

Alejandra Zamudio Ferrao (Veracrúz, México. 1982). Inicia a los 17 años sus estudios con Arturo Talavera Negrete en los talleres de fotografía Básica y procesos alternativos en el centro cultural Atarazanas del IVEC, etapa que marcaría profunda influencia en su quehacer.

Ingresa a la facultad de Artes Plásticas de la U.V. en 2001. Participa en la primeras Bienales de Fotografía Estenopéica y diferentes exposiciones colectivas dentro y fuera del Estado de Veracruz. Egresa de la Licenciatura en artes plásticas, opción Fotografía, en 2005. Imparte talleres en la fototeca de Veracruz Juan Malpica Mimendi del puerto de Veracruz desde 2006, lugar donde se capacita; así también en el Centro Fotográfico Manuel Álvarez Bravo en Oaxaca y en el Centro Veracruzano de las artes Hugo Argüelles. Ha trabajado como reportera gráfica en diferentes medios de comunicación local y nacional. Recibe mención honorífica en la primer Bienal Ser mujer y la Primer Bienal Héctor García de la fundación Héctor y María García, destaca su participación en la exposición colectiva "Del Barrio de la Huaca" en casa Mexic Barcelona, organizada por MEX-CAT, en Barcelona España. Recientemente Galardonada con el premio de adquisición de la 2a Bienal de artes de Veracruz 2014 con el político de la serie Identidades en Construcción.




אלחנדרה זמודיו פראו

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