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לחץ על התמונה לזום

Photography Patricia Aridjis

Photography Patricia Aridjis

Photography Gabi Ben Avraham

Photography Gabi Ben Avraham

Photography Doron Ben Shimon

Photography Doron Ben Shimon

Photography Doron Ben Shimon

Photography Doron Ben Shimon

Photography Doron Ben Shimon

Photography Doron Ben Shimon



Photography Doron Ben Shimon

Photography Doron Ben Shimon

photography Lindsay Basson

photography Lindsay Basson

Photography Oded Keet

Photography Oded Keet

Photography Dubi Roman

Photography Dubi Roman

Photography Dubi Roman

Photography Dubi Roman

Photography Juan Carlos Reyes G.

Photography Juan Carlos Reyes G.

Photography Packo Alonso

Photography Packo Alonso

Photography Landy Orozco

Photography Landy Orozco

Photography Landy Orozco

Photography Landy Orozco

Photography Tami Itzhak Bandel

Photography Tami Itzhak Bandel

Photography Gloria García

Photography Gloria García

Photography Gloria García

Photography Gloria García

Photography Gloria García

Photography Gloria García

Photography Gloria García

Photography Gloria García

Photography Marcelo Sznaidman

Photography Marcelo Sznaidman

Photography Lázaro Sandoval

Photography Lázaro Sandoval

Photography Lázaro Sandoval

Photography Lázaro Sandoval

Photography Orna Naor

Photography Orna Naor

Invitamos a nuestros fotografos para celebrar el primer aniversario de BIMESTRAL דו חודשי y nos enviaron lo que más les gusta: ¡fotografías!

El grupo musical ANNA RF también se unió a ésta fiesta ellos musicalizan nuestro promo de la 6a edición, conócelos!  


Gracias a todos ustedes construimos juntos éste lugar de encuentro. ¡Celebremos, la fotografía nos une! 

We invite our photographers to celebrate the first anniversary of BIMESTRAL דו חודשי with us, so they sent us what they most like: photographs! 


The band ANNA RF also joined to this party, they played the music for the promotional video in the 6th edition, know them!


Thanks to them and to you, we build together this meeting point. Celebrate, photography unites us!


אנו מזמינים את הצלמים שלנו לחגוג עמנו את יום השנה הראשונה של "דו חודשי" ועל כן הם שלחו אלינו את הדבר האהוב עליהם: צילומים!

תודות להם ולכם, ביחד אנו בונים את מקום המפגש הזה.

נחגוג, הצילום מאחד אותנו!



Última actualización: Enero 28, 2022.
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Bimestral, Arte con Responsabilidad Social A.C.© Todos los derechos reservados. Ninguna fotografía o texto puede ser copiado, descargado compartido o reproducido de forma parcial o completa sin consentimiento previo. Contacto

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